Recently, Facebook and Google Photos reminded me day and night of my last time travelling outside Hong Kong. Social media keep pushing the photos posted by my friends, mostly travelling outside the town.

It’s been 3 years since I last travelled outside Hong Kong. I visited Fukuoka with my girlfriend for a week. After that, the world entered the “pandemic era”.

The world is now in the “recovery era”. Many countries have opened their borders. Hong Kong people often imagine Japan as their homeland. When Japan opens its border, they escape from Hong Kong and return to the “homeland” they are imagining. Although I don’t treat Japan as my homeland, I will visit there in March, too.

Unlike the typical lower middle class, the first time I travelled outside Hong Kong was when I was 26. Before that, I wished to but never dared to travel outside Hong Kong. Staying in Hong Kong was a comfort zone for me. But after my first (solo) journey to Taiwan, I found it is worth spending a few thousand dollars visiting other countries.

My first travel ever – Fenqihu, Chiayi County, Taiwan

Three years passed. A lot has changed in Hong Kong. Living here these days stresses us out. People become unfriendly and don’t want to interact with others, turning life in Hong Kong into survival mode – eat, work, sleep, and repeat. By travelling to Japan, I want to be relieved from the unpleasant and pressurised environment. Also, I want to know how the pandemic changed people, cultures, economies and behaviour in other countries. The coming journey should open my eyes. Of course, I can work on my new photography project and generate more ideas for my blog.

My last travel – Fukuoka, Japan

Will you travel outside the town in the coming months?